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Vango Shangri-La II 15 Double Self Inflating Mattress


99999 in stock

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The Shangri-La II, as the name suggests, is the pinnacle of Vango’s self inflating mat collection. Indeed, this is more than a mat, it is a self inflating mattress, designed to provide all the comfort of your bed at home with the convenience of a small packsize.

The mattress comes in a wide mouthed carry bag, making it easy to get in and out and when you’re ready for bed, simply open up the easy to use Cyclone valve and watch the bed unfold in front of you. In about 30 seconds the Shangri-La will be ready to use. If you prefer a firmer feel to your bed, it’s easy to top up the mattress with a few extra puffs of air to find the level that is just right. The vertical walls of the mattress provide a flat and level top to the bed and the super soft stretch fabric provides a plush sleep surface making the Shangri-La the ultimate in camping mattress technology. 

The Shangri-La II 15 Double is, as the name suggests, the pinnacle of Vango’s self-inflating mat collection. Updated for 2021 with our unique core cutting construction to create a smaller pack size without compromising on the incredible comfort, and a newly designed carry bag for easy packing and transportation. The vertical walls of the mattress provide a flat and level top to the bed and super-soft stretch fabric provides a plush sleep surface making the Shangri-La the ultimate in camping mattress technology.